Amebas artificial life evolution

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Welcome to the first evolutionary online game!

Would you like to see the evolution of living creatures on Earth? Now you can start evolution of virtual creatures on your computer. Download the game, breed the best ameba and send it to tournaments and win! You can be successfull at breeding even if you don't have much free time. Evolution will run in background mode, and you can do anything you want at that time.

Download the program “Amebas: evolution simulator” - and funny creatures will settle on your computer. The main sense of virtual amebas' (aka amoebae) life is to fight other amebas and to multiply. Start evolution to make your amebas develop their skills. Virtual amebas have the same evolution laws as real creatures. The strongest ameba wins and gives birth to next generation of creatures. Your amebas will develop their fighting skills and look realy clever!

Each ameba is unique. It's AI, which consists of fight instincts, is encoded in a virtual DNA-file. Amebas' behaviour is not scripted or programmed in advance. The genetic codes originate in mutations and hybridization under the pressing of natural selection. You can see how chaotic behaviour becomes reasonable!

In "game mode" you can fight with your amebas to select the strongest breeds. With time, amebas' AI can even become more skilled in fighting then you! You can begin evoltion from the 0th generation, or you can buy an amebas for breeding in an auction. You can specify the settings of evolution in your program or add new amebas to population to get result. Artificial life can develop itself without permanent control.

If you think that your amebas are good enough, you can send one to a tournament. Your ameba will fight with other users' amebas. You don't have to spend much time to achieve high rating. Your amebas will fight themselves using their AI! Watch the videos of successfull amebas in tournament results . You can visit our forum, ask questions and find answers.

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Download the game to start evolution! It's free!

This video demonstrates how evolution works and how amedas develop their AI!

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